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, by Laura Tempest Zakroff
Download PDF , by Laura Tempest Zakroff
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Product details
File Size: 14048 KB
Print Length: 264 pages
Publisher: Llewellyn Publications (January 8, 2018)
Publication Date: January 8, 2018
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#101,593 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
Why have i always preferred simple, easy but powerful magick? Not out of laziness, but the purity and heart of it. This book lays out the bare bones of using sigils (something I'm fond of) in a new exciting and intuitive way, without extravagant ceremony and unnecessary fluff. Laura makes it accessible to everyone and gives you the freedom to adjust as you see fit for your magickal needs. While reading and using Spare's template for sigils, it never fully satisfied me. I'd tweak it here and there (usually with success) but it never seemed "my own". With Laura's book, that door seems wide open to me now! I highly recommend, especially if you don't want to read old books whose writing is akin to deciphering Shakespearean prose.
I'm not into pagan magic, but I recognize the ritual magic of science, cooking, housekeeping and seemingly mundane acts. I enjoy symbolism, and this book gave me some tools to make personalized symbols to represent the things I'm seeking in my work and life. This is nicely written, approachable (even for secular folx) and has some exercises that encourage exploration in the topic.
"Sigil Witchery: A Witch's Guide to Crafting Magick Symbols" is a very well written and informative book. Well-suited towards beginning witches and experienced practitioners alike, it presents a great deal of information regarding sigils and their creation. A section including a small library of symbols Zakroff uses in her sigils - as well as a chart to fill in symbols with your own associations - makes the book quite interesting and relatively useful for beginners! Experienced sigil workers can also learn a lot from the "Sigil Witchery" as well, as it offers new perspectives on the matter. At the very least, it acts as a wonderful reference text and a very enjoyable read.I've included a video review I posted on my YouTube channel, "JR Macabre - Paganism & More," about the book. It's much more detailed than I could explain in text. Overall, the book was enjoyable, informative, and straight to the point - all you could ask and more in a book about sigil magick!
If you’re looking for a straightforward approach to Sigil magic, buy this book. A plethora of information in an easy to absorb package. One note about the kindle edition, there are a few formatting issues with images, but the descriptions are so good, I could extrapolate. Buy it. You won’t regret it.
This book does a great job of putting the creative process of intuitively making sigils on paper without regurgitating the basic methods most everyone uses when making a sigil. The writing is down to earth and practical. If you're someone serious about magick and sigils are a decent portion of your process this is an eye opening book worth looking into.
If you've ever wondered what those strange magickal drawings were, then this is the book for you. In a clear, friendly manner Laura Zakroff takes you along on a unique spin around the history, how-to and meaning of sigils. This is now the go-to source for this fascinating tool in the Witch's arsenal. At once Ancient and Modern, Tempest's book is not to be missed.
I love Laura's approach for creating sigils. Her sigils are based on visual cues and symbols rather than words or alphabets, which, I think, makes them more accessible and creative. Her results are very beautiful. The book is in a workbook format and takes you through a number of steps to creating your own sigils. The tone is very informal and engaging. Great book for any magic user or would-be magic user out there.
Zarkoff's approach to sigil crafting in particular and the spiritual practice of modern witchcraft very strongly resonates with my own approach. It was a real treat to see ideas and approaches I've developed on my own over years right there in print from someone else. Very validating and encouraging! At the same time, I'm confident that anyone can connect to her writing. Her style is so inclusive, accepting and encouraging that it will be a comfortable, appealing read for a wide range of backgrounds and traditions. As an art minor in college, I enjoyed her deep dive into the history of symbolism in the initial chapters, and her discussion of art supplies will no doubt be a bit of fun for any artist type. "Sigil Witchery" is a very helpful, inspiring read for anyone interested in the use of symbolism whether they are from a magical background or not.
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